Exercise and diet are a hot topic this time of year! But I want to talk about it from a different perspective that you may not have thought about before. If you are following an exercise and/or nutrition plan and not taking into account your hormonal cycle this please listen to this episode!
Males work off a 24 hr cycle of hormones, so their body will feel the same at 8 am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc week in week out. Females, however, work off a 28-day cycle! Although this is common knowledge, it is rarely considered throughout your daily life. So if you are following a program where this is not considered then you are treating your body as if your hormones are the same on a daily basis.
Have you ever felt super confident one week and the next week you just want to hide away? Empowering yourself with this knowledge means you can work WITH your body rather than AGAINST it.
Body awareness creates healthy choices and healthy choices create body balance.
For more information on this topic check out the Well Woman Podcast!