This is a podcast where I will share knowledge from my Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy training and 12 years of experience working with clients one on one in the health and fitness industry.
I was listening to both "becoming your own best friend" and "defusing negative thoughts" and I will certainly try out the practice of 'noticing my thoughts!' I have been living with the 'thought' or guilt that I am not good enough daughter because I have left behind my parents in Singapore. But it is a thought, it is not me, and it doesn't define me.
The content of these episodes is so relatable, sometimes I think they have actually been written about me! They are interesting, informative and easy to listen to and digest. Kiara gives simple tricks and tips to take away and think about making them easy to implement in your own life.
Information content we can all relate to at different times in our life. I suffered a heart attack a few months ago, the outcome of all tests basically boiled down to stress. What an awakening it was however, to listen to Kiara's podcasts, it's the real medicine I needed to get me through this time. I'm sure she is speaking about me in many scenarios, but like me, we all put ourselves through stress we could avoid!
Incredibly helpful with enjoying a much more relaxed and productive life. Kiara is gifted with how she uses her training and I highly recommend all of her podcast episodes.
Thank you so much Kiara, it really touched home and it will help me a lot going forward! I think I needed an inspiration and it made me realise I can make small changes that will benefit me and the way I'm thinking. A fantastic podcast!
When you feel better about yourself, you will eat foods and exercise in a way that’s good for you. No diet or gym program needed.
As a certified NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Health Coach, I specialise in guiding women to break free from what is holding them back from losing weight easily and effortlessly, so that they can look in the mirror and love the person starring back at them.
Many women who struggle with losing weight and feeling good within themselves sadly don’t realise how different life can be; you CAN feel incredible in your body and live a life of ease - and I can help you.
What if you had some handy tips that you can implement immediately, anywhere - think your office bathroom, planes, in the car between appointments - that could transform your day and turn it from 'tough' to terrific?