Transform your day and get yourself back on track for a positive, productive day. Sound good?
A podcast where you join me (Kiara!) every Tuesday for all things positive mindset, body confidence and self compassion
I am a Mindset from Melbourne, Australia. I help women release stress and regain their confidence through my transformational Mindset Coaching Program.
I would be more confident if:
I had a better job
I had a more toned body
More attractive
Have you heard yourself say any of these?
Firstly confidence doesn’t come from being attractive. People love to be around confident people.
Secondly, you don’t just wake up one day and boom you are confident. The good news is that confidence is a skill you can learn. It’s not based on experience or even talent. It’s based on your thoughts.
Confidence is just a feeling and we have to create our own feelings. Why do we seem to think this magic confidence dust happens by itself without our control or input. We seem to assume this confident thing is a mystery. Some have it, some don’t. Some have confidence in some situations some of the time and then all of a sudden, they don’t.
It’s time to gain control and have confidence whenever you need it.
First principle – you have to “do” all of your feelings. No one else is in charge and no one can make you feel anything. That customer didn’t make you angry, your partner didn’t make you frustrated, your friend didn’t hurt you. Feelings aren’t given, they are taken. And feelings don’t just appear, you create them through your thoughts. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
How do we create feelings that we want?
Have you ever heard anyone say you need to think confidently and/or positively? This is true and a good start but not the whole picture. Have you ever tried to be confident but the little voice inside your head tried to knock you down? Your internal voice is able to generate feelings by thinking about certain situations and how they might be. An important concept to understand is your brain doesn’t realise the difference between an imagined event or a real one. This is why we’re able to create really powerful feelings about something that will happen or has happened simply by using our internal dialogue. Once you manage to get your internal language right, you’ll find that those feelings that you want will come far more easily.
What do you need to say to yourself to generate confidence?
“I’m considering the possibility that I can be confident in this situation?” This is much more neutral than “I am confident in all situations.” The first statement is more believable and of course you can change this over time.
This concept is highly overlooked, we could be feeling down because we are acting down and wishing and hoping that it wasn’t the case.
It is important to understand this isn’t just a way of generally superficial feelings, this is real! We have the science to back it up.
How can anyone see how great you are if you can’t see it yourself?
For women who are ready to embrace self-confidence, let go of guilt and consciously make changes that allow them to live the healthy & happy life that they know is possible.
I am on a mission to help empower women to release stress, transform negative self-talk, and build a more positive relationship with themselves, so that they can build a life that feels good to them!