We have all been there! Feeling guilty for resting, eating something we shouldn’t, missing a gym session, leaving the kids.. the list is endless! The definition of guilty is culpable of or responsible for specified wrongdoing. No wonder we feel bad about ourselves! Feeling guilty is not a nice feeling, so why do we do […]
There is so much more to change a habit than waking up one day and deciding that you have had enough. It’s certainly a great starting point though 🙂 One of the biggest reasons why we struggle to make changes is we are doing it backward. We think that simply deciding to take action that […]
Welcome to another episode of the BYOBF podcast:) Today I am sharing a recent experience I had where I didn’t listen to my body. Two concepts I talk about are: 1. Overindulging and not being consciously aware. 2. Feeling guilt/shame and beating yourself up over what you should be doing. Listen to the following episodes […]
Are you kind to other people and not returning the favour to yourself? This episode is all about helping you to create more self-compassion in your life. It’s hard to do unless you are aware of what’s going on. One thing to note is when we begin to practice loving-kindness and self-compassion, sometimes, it’s really […]
We all have the same fear, that deep down we aren’t good enough. Now, this isn’t true of course. It’s a story we tell ourselves. We were born good enough, we didn’t have to do anything when we were a baby. Somewhere along the line, something happened in our lives that created a story of […]
Our brains have 2 million bits of information coming in every sec. What an overwhelming thought! Imagine if you took on board all of those thoughts, you would be exhausted! In order to filter through the information, your brain will Generalize, Delete, and Distort. This explains why you and someone else can have the exact […]
Do you feel guilty after you eat something you know you “shouldn’t”? Everyone has a reason why they do certain things, it’s not that you don’t know what to eat. You know what is good for your body, so this episode is not about giving advice on sugar cravings. This is about learning the REAL […]
Do you feel like you are running on adrenaline? Is your mind always working on overtime with worrying about the future? Do you often pretend to be ok when you are not? After years of living life in survival mode, you are exhausted! If you have answered yes to any of these questions tune into […]
Do you get tempted every Monday or the 1st day of a new month or a new year thinking it will be different this time? And then a few days or weeks go past and you end up returning to old habits. I have good news; it’s not you, its your brain! The even better […]
Are you feeling guilty for feeling negative emotions because your situation “isn’t that bad?” Our emotions are feelings and our way of knowing that something feels comfortable or uncomfortable for us. If you find yourself judging why you are feeling a certain way then this episode is a must. I talk about how a downward […]
I’m a certified NLP practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Wellness Coach. I help self-conscious women to lose weight, love their bodies and live the life they know they deserve.
Have you ever had someone give you a compliment and the first thought that comes into your mind is doubt? Or read an affirmation that says something like, ”I am enough!” and not truly believed it.
Firstly, we need to remove any underlying negative emotions that have been holding you back; does “I am not good enough” or “I am not worthy of love” sound familiar?
Many women who struggle with loving themselves sadly don’t realise how different life can be; you CAN achieve internal love and live a life of ease - and I can help you!
For women who are ready to embrace self-confidence, let go of guilt and consciously make changes that allow them to live the healthy & happy life that they know is possible.