Positive mindset tips and tricks for women and articles full of  warmth and inspiration!

Welcome to the Inside Out Health & Wellness Blog


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Emotions are feelings and our way of knowing that something feels comfortable or uncomfortable for us. Research demonstrates that feelings are caused by chemical reactions in our body and brain. Our feelings are therefore real rather than imagined – paying attention to our emotions is very important! Are you in control of your emotions, or […]

Ep 19: Are your emotions controlling you?


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We are living in a constantly changing world! Some people still have jobs, others don’t. Some people have to home school their children, others don’t have children. Some are struggling with the isolation of being at home, others are working on the front line and wish they could be at home more.  No matter what […]

Ep 18: What you’re actually feeling is Grief

Stress Management

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We can’t deny that stress is everywhere! Missing a train, being stuck in traffic, dealing with an angry customer, your dog peeing on your favourite rug.. The list is endless! With stress being a big part of our modern world, there is not much we can do to escape it. Now I don’t say that […]

How is stress affecting you?

Positive Mindset

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When you wake up in the morning where is your focus? Are you focusing on how tired, exhausted or stressed you are? How do you think your day turn out if this is your focus to start with? Where is your focus when it comes to doing something you don’t want to do? Is it […]

What are you focused on?


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In today’s episode, I want to talk about the need to reward yourself with food after a workout. Have you ever been caught up in this trap? Feel like you have had a “good” workout and therefore you deserve a reward for your hard work? I dive into the psychology behind why you are doing […]

Ep 17: Are post workout rewards sabotaging your goals?


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In today’s episode, I talk about things you might be holding onto that’s getting in the way of you moving forward. What is weighing you down and stopping you from moving forward? Is it old goals that don’t align with you anymore? Is It anger/resentment that’s creating negative energy within you? Or is it limiting […]

Ep 16: What do you need to let go of?

Self Confidence

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I would be more confident if: I had a better job I had a more toned body More attractive Have you heard yourself say any of these? Firstly confidence doesn’t come from being attractive. People love to be around confident people.  Secondly, you don’t just wake up one day and boom you are confident. The […]

How to Generate Self Confidence


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Do you often feel motivated whenever you want to make a change in your life? How often does that motivation last? In today’s episode, I talk about your brain being wired for survival! Its job is to keep you comfortable. Making any change in your life is exhausting and uncomfortable for your brain, which is […]

Ep 15: 3 ways to train your brain to help you stick to habits


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Whenever you set a goal do you think your life will dramatically change if you achieve it? Are you good enough if you don’t achieve your goal? In today’s episode, I talk about the number 1 mindset shift you must have before you set any goals or resolutions. I also talk about why relying on […]

Ep 14: How to follow through with goals and New Years Resolutions


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In today’s episode, I talk about who you see yourself as and how this affects what you get in life. Have you ever tried to go on a diet and it went really well for a few weeks and then something kept pulling you back? When you were trying to make positive lifestyle changes, what […]

Ep 13: Is your identity holding you back?

ok, I'm intrigued. tell me more!

I’m a certified NLP practitioner, Hypnotherapist and Wellness Coach. I help self-conscious women to lose weight, love their bodies and live the life they know they deserve.

Have you ever had someone give you a compliment and the first thought that comes into your mind is doubt? Or read an affirmation that says something like, ”I am enough!” and not truly believed it.

Firstly, we need to remove any underlying negative emotions that have been holding you back; does “I am not good enough” or “I am not worthy of love” sound familiar?

Many women who struggle with loving themselves sadly don’t realise how different life can be; you CAN achieve internal love and live a life of ease - and I can help you!

I am on a mission to inspire women to become the best version of themselves. To be the best version you need to truly love the person you are on the inside, this often enacts change on the outside - win win! 

Hi, I'm Kiara. 

Ok, I'm in!

For women who are ready to embrace self-confidence, let go of guilt and consciously make changes that allow them to live the healthy & happy life that they know is possible.

Book in your FREE Mindset Consultation

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